This week at Holy Archangels
This Week and Next at Holy Archangels:
- Sat., 25 Jan., 6 p.m., Great Vespers, (Confession offered)
- Sun., 26 Jan., 9:30 Hours, 10, Divine Liturgy, trapeza, Catechumen/Inquirer Class. All are welcome to come learn more about the Orthodox Christian Faith and ask questions!
- Wed., 29 Jan., 6-7:15 p.m., New Bible Study series: The Catholic Epistle of St. James. Please join us in person or online via Zoom!
Please join us in person, or, here is the Zoom link for the class:
- Sat.-Sun., 1-2 Feb., Great Feast of the Meeting of Christ in the Temple, Annual Meeting right after Trapeza
Looking Ahead:
- Sun., 9 Feb., Beginning of the Triodion, Sunday of the Publican & Pharisee
- Sun., 23 Feb., Sunday of the Last Judgment (Meatfare)
- Sun., 2 March, Sunday of Forgiveness (Cheesefare) Vespers of Forgiveness and the Rite of Forgiveness,
- Mon., 3 March, Beginning of Great and Holy Lent!
House Blessings:
If you would like your house blessed during the Theophany season, as is traditional for Orthodox Christians, please contact Fr. Robert by email with two suggested days/times: . He will do his best to accommodate and bring Christ's blessing to you and your home!
Holy Archangels Orthodox Church
11126 Tuckahoe Rd.; Denton, MD 21629
26Jan10:00 Divine LiturgySun
10:00 Divine LiturgySun
9Feb10:00 Divine Liturgy